Dems Turn Out To Support “Paesano” Independent Jane Lumm At Campaign Kick-Off

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WARD 2 CITY Council challenger Kirk Westphal sent out a fundraising letter that includes several interesting claims, one of which is he is the “only Democrat” running in the Ward 2 November general election. Well, yes. For those who were passing notes or snoozing the entire time during Civics 101 in high school, he is the “only” Democrat because there was a primary election and, as is wont to happen, the winner of the primary election moves on to the general election. Westphal was unopposed in the primary election so, he was the “only” Democrat who ran in the primary, as well. Imagine the awesomeness of being the only Democrat in the general election after being the only Democrat on the ballot during the primary election. What. Are. The. Chances?

Jane Lumm, a Republican Council member in the late 90s, ran as an independent candidate in 2011 and beat Democratic incumbent Stephen Rapundalo. Lumm says she and her husband found the increasingly conservative views of the national Republican party difficult to relate to. Jane Lumm is a fiscal conservative, and a social progressive; she is not a Libertarian. In the partisan politics of the GOP and DCCC, Jane Lumm is a political fish without a pond, but fortunately she lives in Ann Arbor, where fish without ponds find creeks, streams and other places to swim.

On September 22nd Lumm kicked off her campaign at a gathering at Paesano’s. It’s an apt choice of locations, if one understands that in Italian the word paesano, the dialectal form of compaesano means “compatriot.” One paesano greeting another? You come from the same region of Italy, say, Lazio or Apulia. At Jane Lumm’s event, there were plenty of paesani, politicos from the same region of fiscal responsibility, social and environmental progressivism. Ward 1 Democratic Council member Sumi Kailasapathy was there; she is endorsing Lumm. Ward 3 Democratic Council member Stephen Kunselman attended, as well. Ward 4 Democratic Council member-elect Jack Eaton, who has endorsed Lumm’s candidacy, showed up to help kick off the re-election of the Council member whom Eaton has said “is a gift to the City.” City Council Ward 5 Democrat Mike Anglin, too, has thrown his support behind his colleague, Jane Lumm.

As Lumm began her speech, she made a point of welcoming her Council colleagues, beginning with Kunselman. The Ward 3 politico, fresh off a tough re-election campaign which he won by fewer than 2 percentage points, smiled and asked Lumm if he could speak.

“I want to announce that I am endorsing Jane Lumm,” said Kunselman, his arm around Lumm’s waist. “There is no other more ethical Council member than Jane,” he said, looking out at the crowd of 50 people gathered.

Kunselman, in six years on City Council, has never endorsed in a Council primary or City Council general election.

Lumm’s kick-off speech centered on the need to keep moving Ann Arbor in the direction of fiscal responsibility and toward providing excellent services. She pointed out that, with the election of Jack Eaton, the focus of the majority of Council members has shifted toward the support of fiscal responsibility, robust public input, governmental transparency, local transit, pro-active safety services, the protection of parkland and sensible development.

Jane Lumm and challenger Kirk Westphal aren’t paesani, and not just because of their differing political affiliation.

Westpahl has cast votes in favor of repurposing parkland for development, and public-private partnerships. The public-private partnership tool is model legislation dreamed up by the ultra-right wing organization ALEC. In the public-private partnership, public money is used to subsidize private developers. If the development fails, taxpayers are left holding the bag. The private developer is off to her/his next public-private partnership, developer fees in hand.

Jane Lumm does not support repurposing parkland or using parkland for transit. She sponsored a resolution to expand the Charter-mandated protections guaranteed to our parkland to include leasing. The resolution was shot down by Democrats, including one Democrat who co-sponsored the resolution, Ward 1 Council candidate Sabra Briere.

Kirk Westphal did vote against the Fuller Road train station, a project Lumm does not support either.

According to Jane Lumm’s campaign website and literature her top priority is public safety. Ann Arbor Police Chief John Seto has told Council and the media that he doesn’t have enough officers to police “proactively.” Ann Arbor residents wait sometimes for hours for police to show up to non-emergency calls. A 2012 report on our city’s Fire Department response times revealed they do not meet national standards.

On his website Kirk Westphal’s top priority is listed as “economic development.” He writes, “it funds the growing costs of our core services and helps maintain a healthy budget.” Economic development is important. However, what Westphal doesn’t acknowledge is that the “growing costs of our core services” are the result of spiraling legacy costs for retirees. Jane Lumm writes in her palmcard, “I have led the efforts to begin transitioning the city employee’s pension plan from a defined benefit plan to a lower cost, more sustainable….defined contribution plan.”

Westphal proposes the solution to this financial problem is to generate more tax revenue in order to continue to fund the understated and unsustainable pension liability our city already has, a pension debt that could top $400,000,000 dollars. Political insiders are waiting for council candidates to demand that rosy assumptions about the pension fund, such as the assumption that the investments will earn an annual 7 percent return through 2024, be adjusted to reflect fiscal reality, and that the city’s true unfunded liability be calculated.

The challenger’s second priority is “to formalize an ongoing dialog with neighborhood groups to brainstorm neighborhood improvements, troubleshoot problems early on, and help cultivate the next generation of city leaders.” In other words, Kirk Westphal as an elected leader is going to communicate with his constituents.

In her previous run for City Council, Lumm raised over $20,000, a formidable war chest that Westphal is unlikely to match. Money, as we saw in Stephen Kunselman’s Ward 3 race, is not everything. His challenger, soon-to-be former Park Advisory Commission Chair Julie Grand, out-spent Kunselman two-to-one and still lost. In 2010, state representative candidate Ned Staebler out-fundraised winner Jeff Irwin.

One of Lumm’s campaign workers perhaps inadvertently put his finger on what will win Jane Lumm re-election to Ann Arbor City Council—her opponent’s efforts to paint the incumbent as obstructionist and overly quizzical.

“I was at a Ward 2 door, a Democrat, who said he’d already been canvassed by a Westphal worker. The home owner said the Westphal supporter had described Jane as a ‘trouble-maker” who ‘asks questions all the time’ and ‘won’t go along with anything.'” At this point the Lumm supporter chuckled. The homeowner, as it turns out, had reported telling the Westphal canvasser that he wanted a Council representative who asked questions and didn’t simply go along with everything. “That’s what Democratic governance is all about,” said the Lumm supporter.

In November 2011, Jane Lumm trounced Hieftje ally Stephen Rapundalo. In December 2011, Rapundalo supporter, former judicial candidate, former Ward 2 Democratic Council member and current DDA Board member Joan Lowenstein published an essay in The Ann magazine in which she called Ward 2 voters “old, stingy and Republican.”

It was Lowenstein who signed Westphal’s recent fundraising letter sent to Ward 2 residents.


  1. Mark Koroi says

    “….political attacks against him (Kunselman)…by John Hieftje …have escalated over the last four years…….”

    Steve Kunselman a few hours ago pulled petitions from the City Clerk’s office to run for Mayor next year.

    Steve has consulted with his “inner circle” of supporters who have recommended that the time is ripe for him to seek the mayoral seat. It is not known if Hieftje plans on retaining his seat.

    City Hall employees were abuzz over Steve’s visit to City Hall at lunch time.

    1. A2 Politico says

      @Mark thanks for the tip. I got a phone call about it. Let’s hope Steve can mount the credible campaign he says needs to be mounted. He has, thus far, a credibility problem with me in that he has twice run on “ethics” yet keeps voting on issues of import to his employer, the University of Michigan. If he can’t see his own behavior as problematic, but can call Hieftje unethical, I’m not sure he’ll be able to tell the difference between campaign rhetoric, grandstanding and substantive change. I’m hopeful, because there are Council members in place now who do have a moral compass. They will, I am sure, help Steve walk the walk and talk the talk, because that’s what our city needs.

      Hieftje says he’ll decide whether to run in February. That’s BS. Right now, half the people supporting Kirk Westphal are circling the wagons around Hieftje. He has been their puppet for far too long to cut the strings. He’ll run if they tell him to run, or unless they find another candidate to throw their support behind. I’m kinda seeing a rematch between Chris Taylor and Kunselman if they put Hieftje in mothballs. But really, Hieftje has no other job, does he?

      1. Mark Koroi says

        Taylor, with no elected office experience, beat Kunselman, an incumbent in 2008.

        Kunselman left the ruling clique and had, with Sabra Briere and Mike Anglin, the three non-Hieftje-controlled Democrats on City Council.

        Last time I was in Heidelberg’s, ironically, I saw Steve having a beer with Hieftje.

  2. An A2 Voter says

    Really, Lumm is a Democrat?

    Then why did she Chair the campaign for George W Bush for President in 2000 in Washtenaw County?…-a063671818

    1. A2 Politico says

      Jane Lumm was a Republican Council member in the 90s. She ran as an Independent candidate in 2011. She is not a Democrat and to my knowledge has never purported to be a Democrat. Conversely, the Ward 2 Council member she beat, Democrat Stephen Rapundalo, donated to Rick Snyder’s campaign in 2010, and did not support the Dem candidate.

  3. Carol Hall says

    The *only* Democrat running in the general election? My goodness! Does Ms. Lowenstein believe the voters of Ward 2 are so naive as to believe that there could be *more* than one Democrat running in the general election? It’s nice I’m sure for Mr. Westphal to have the support of others, but he should take care in choosing from whom his letters come and what those letters say to his prospective constituents.

  4. Dave D. says

    Actually I have wondered who would back Jane Lumm and it’s not surprise that Anglin, Kailasapathy and Eaton are doing so. The real question for me is whether Sally Petersen will get in on the act and back her fellow Ward 2 council member. I’m not surprised that Joan Lowenstein is involved in this campaign. She was the Ward 2 Democrat. But Westphal can’t really believe that she will help his chances, can he? This is an interesting time in local politics. Thanks for the window into the backroom.

  5. A2Voter says

    Awesomeness A2P! When do we get to see the fundraising letter? Say you’re planning to share it. Please!!!! Something written by JoLo should always have a wide circulation. Is Kirk Westphal unaware that having Ms. Lowenstein write a letter for him is like having Typhoid Mary serve you lunch? The good thing is that these guys never learn.

  6. Mark Koroi says

    There is a movement on City Council to make Jane Lumm the next mayor pro tempore to replace the outgoing Marcia Higgins.

    Mike Henry, Ann Arbor Democratic Party chair is attempting to have Lumm unseated. He showed up at Colonial Lanes on the evening of the August primary to drum up support for Kirk Westphal against Jane Lumm. Last Saturday, he presided over an AADP memebrship meeting and intro duced a young lady who was trying to recruit volunteers for the campaign. There was not very much enthusiasm for the Westphal campaign at either location.

    While I believe that Mr. Westphal may have a promising career in the future on City Council – I do not see him defeating Jane Lumm this term. Lumm has served admirably and diligently.

    Mike Henry should pack it up and try to help Sabra Briere retain her seat if he wants to do a service for the AADP.

    1. A2Voter says

      Mike Henry is the chair of the Ann Arbor Democratic Party which is populated by many people who wouldn’t know a Democratic principle if it bit them in the butt. There is little enthusiasm for Kirk Westphal’s candidacy because he’s up against a formidable incumbent who has actually done what she said she would do and THEN some.

    2. Dave D. says

      Mark I’m not sure the local Democratic coven can do much to help Sabra Briere or Kirk Wetphal. It’s up to the voters and several long term Democratic council members have lost their seats.

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