Michigan Protest Web Site Launches: “Put A Face to The 99 Percent.”

In Michigan, the economic collapse caused in good part by Wall Street greed continues to cause suffering for unemployed workers and struggling families, while the top 1% are doing better than any time in history.—from WeAreThe99PercentMichigan web site

The others not in the top 1 percent? Those are the 99 percent. The Americans who do not count themselves among those earning $250,000 or more per year. According to IRS data, 1.5 percent of American households have a combined income of $250,000 or more. Conversely, 54.5 percent of U.S households have combined incomes of $50,000 per year or less.

A new web site has launched and it’s a campaign worthy of Pure Michigan. Titled “We Are the 99 Percent Michigan,” the site includes testimonials from Michigan residents who self-identify as members of Michigan’s 99 Percent, or as the web site’s author puts it: You’re someone who doesn’t know whether there’s going to be enough money to make this month’s rent. You’re someone who gets sick and toughs it out because you’ll never afford the hospital bills. You’re someone who’s trying to move a mountain of debt that never seems to get any smaller no matter how hard you try. You do all the things you’re supposed to do. You buy store brands. You get a second job. You take classes to improve your skills. But it’s not enough. It’s never enough. The anxiety, the frustration, the powerlessness is still there, hovering like a storm crow. Every month you make it is a victory, but a Pyrrhic one — once you’re over the hump, all you can do is think about the next one and how much harder it’s all going to be.

The site lambasts Michigan’s Governor and state legislature for being clueless to the suffering of Michigan’s unemployed, hungry and homeless. “In Michigan, the economic collapse caused in good part by Wall Street greed continues to cause suffering for unemployed workers and struggling families, while the top 1% are doing better than any time in history. Our Governor and Lansing politicians just don’t seem to get it. This year, while corporations got a $1.8 billion tax cut, the rest of us were made to shoulder the burden with higher taxes, less services and now we face even more cuts.”

The web site could very well be a gift to the Michigan Democratic Party. Some of the materials on the site resemble in theme press releases Michigan Democratic Party Chair Mark Brewer has posted to the group’s Facebook page. For instance, the anonymous blogger points out:

This year, while corporations got a $1.8 billion tax cut, the rest of us were made to shoulder the burden with higher taxes, less services and now we face even more cuts. All of this was done with the promise of more jobs. We’ve seen no jobs, only more suffering: more unemployment, more poverty, and more slashing of the safety net – and now politicians in Lansing and Washington are talking about more tax giveaways to the top 1% and cuts to our Social Security and Medicare.

On October 3, the MDP sent out a press release blasting Michigan’s governor after his trip to Asia. In that release, Brewer writes, “Michigan needed Governor Snyder to return from Asia with new jobs and the promise of new investment. But all is bringing back with him is a big fat goose egg. Not one single job to Michigan. Obviously, Snyder isn’t nearly as good at bringing jobs to the U.S. from China, Japan, and Korea as he was at sending American jobs to China.”

John Tramontana, Mark Brewer’s spokesman, when asked if the MDP was in any way involved, financing or providing editorial content for this site shot back a quick, “No.”

The dozen or so testimonials posted to date on “We Are The 99 Percent Michigan” include stories from college students, former members of the military, as well as folks who have been unemployed for long periods. The whole idea behind the site is to “Put a face to the 99 percent. Let’s get known.”

Visitors to the web site are encouraged to upload their own photos and testimonials.

1 Comment
  1. Pearl Corners says

    It’s about time for us to wake up

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