New Research Shows Sharp Increase in Childhood Poverty in Michigan. Gov. Snyder Responds By Announcing Junket To Asia

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Analogy Alert: President Obama is buying books (and playing golf) on Martha’s Vinyard. In Sunday’s New York Times, Maureen Dowd took the President to task as only she can. Dowd writes: “Is Obama so isolated he can’t see that Americans are curled up in a ball, beaten down by a financial crisis, an identity crisis, a political crisis and a leadership crisis? He got the job by blaming Washington. But once you’re in the White House, you are Washington. It’s like the plumber who came to fix the sink waiting for the sink to fix itself.”

Meanwhile on Twitter various groups are heaving Tweet bombs into the ether concerning Obama’s right (or lack thereof) to vacation. Right-leaning political analysts, pundits, magazines and newspaper writers are lambasting President Obama for golfing while the county’s teeters on the edge of financial disaster. Left-leaning political analysts, pundits, magazines and newspaper writers are defending President Obama for golfing while the county teeters on the edge of financial disaster by pointing out that the financial disaster was brought on by the misguided policies of former President George W. Bush, who spent much more time on vacation than Obama. A few sample Tweets:

August 17, 2011—@MoterCityLiberal Tweeted: Debunking the Obama vacation meme under 140: Bush was on vacation during Katrina and when he got his PDB saying OBL determine to strike.

August 18, 2011—@RNC Tweeted: “Obama heads to vacation as economic woes deepen” #ObamaGetaway

August 18, 2011—@ThePlumLineGS Tweeted: “RNC attacks Obama’s vacation — barely 12 hours after new report shows Reagan and Bush vacationed far more:

August 19, 2011—@U.S.News & World Report Tweeted: Obama Skips a Jobs Opportunity and Goes on Vacation

August 19, 2011—@RNC Tweeted: Economist: “The President Shouldn’t Be On Vacation While The Markets Are In “Deep Crisis” #Obamanomics

August 22, 2011—@LOLGOP Tweeted: If President Obama rode into Tripoli in the back of a rebel pickup truck, Fox News would consider that undeserved vacation.

August 22, 2011 @Politico Tweeted: Will ritzy vacation trip Obama up?

Twitter demonstrates political finger-pointing (sometimes the middle one) at its worst, best and most amusing. Maureen Dowd, on the other hand, ain’t fooling around.  “Is Obama so isolated he can’t see that Americans are curled up in a ball, beaten down by a financial crisis, an identity crisis, a political crisis and a leadership crisis? He got the job by blaming Washington. But once you’re in the White House, you are Washington. It’s like the plumber who came to fix the sink waiting for the sink to fix itself.”

Time to hitch up your pants and get the sink fixed, Mr. Prez, or so says one of the country’s most influential political writers. Ouch.

About two million of those Americans who are curled up in a ball and beaten down by a financial crisis, an identity crisis and a leadership crisis live in Michigan. On August 17, 2011, data released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation showed that one in every eight of Michigan’s children are living in a household struggling with job loss, and one in every 20 are affected by home foreclosures. According to Snyder’s own “Dashboard,” 23 percent of Michigan children live in poverty, and infant mortality rates are up in Michigan, as well. (The childhood poverty rates are drawn from data collected by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, ironically.)

The Annie E. Casey Foundation’s KIDS COUNT Data Book reports that for the second year in a row Michigan ranks 30th among the states for overall child well-being.

Only Kentucky and Mississippi have more kids in families where no parent is employed, according to a piece published in The Detroit News.

The report also found the number of children living in poverty in Michigan grew by 64 percent over the past decade. An additional 75,000 children since 2000 fell into poverty, defined as households with annual incomes of about $22,000 with two parents with two children.

Those who work with poor families say that the economic conditions for children in Michigan are about to get worse.

The state Department of Human Services last week began notifying families that have been on welfare for more than five years they will soon lose their cash assistance because Michigan will no longer grant extensions to the federal time limit for benefits. The Legislature passed a 48-month limit, which has yet to be signed by Gov. Rick Snyder, that could take effect as early as Oct. 1.

The response from Michigan’s Governor? He released details about his upcoming junket to Asia four days after the Annie E. Casey Foundation data were released. The Detroit News reported:

Gov. Rick Snyder is to leave next month on a trade mission to Japan, China and South Korea, his communications director said.

“The governor will be continuing the messaging that Michigan is the value place to do business and will be talking to companies and businesses about why investment in our state is such a sound idea,” Geralyn Lasher told The News.

Snyder is scheduled to arrive in Tokyo Sept. 25 for the 43rd annual joint meeting of the Midwest U.S.-Japan Association and the Japan-Midwest U.S. Association.

On Sept. 27, Snyder is to depart Tokyo for Beijing, where he is to hold a series of meetings and take part in a reception with CEOs and other top officials from Michigan-based companies with operations in China, Lasher said.

The Governor has yet to address the data released by the Annie E. Casey Foundation. Geralyn Lasher, spokeswoman for Governor Rick Snyder, described the years covered by the report as a “lost decade” for so many who could not find work.

“This is why it’s so crucial that the governor is focusing on creating jobs,” Lasher said. “We certainly don’t want to see numbers like this as we have for the past decade.”

Translation: Childhood poverty in Michigan has nothing to do with Rick Snyder’s policies. That sink was broken way before he ever became Michigan’s Tough Nerd (or @OneCallousNerda Twitter account that was recently launched).

Those childhood poverty numbers may have been the result of a decade of someone elses in Lansing, but now Rick Snyder is Lansing. He is selling useless “job creation” strategies that didn’t work in Ann Arbor, or in any of the other 14 SMARTZones created by the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC). The Detroit Free Press published an exposé in May 2010 that showed the Michigan Economic Development Corporation’s 21st Century Jobs Fund, which had funneled almost $140 million dollars to start-ups in Ann Arbor, as well as to Ann Arbor SPARK, had created fewer than 950 actual jobs. When Governor Rick Snyder was the head of Ann Arbor SPARK, he signed off an Annual Report in 2008 that claimed SPARK had created and retained over 12,000 jobs. The report was a work of fiction, and Snyder campaigned for governor based, in part, on his job creation “successes” at Ann Arbor SPARK. Researchers at the Mackinac Center characterized the MEDC’s work as, “creating more job announcement than real jobs.”

State Democrats have been poking Snyder with a sharp stick about the fact that his “job creation” strategies are not, well, creating jobs. Snyder, however, has never been one to let reality get in the way of fantasy where “job creation” has been concerned. His time spent telling whoppers about his “successes” as the CEO of Ann Arbor SPARK should make that abundantly clear.

In June, Snyder took a high profile jaunt to New York to try to get Michigan’s credit rating raised. The Macomb Daily reported on May 28, 2011, “If the agencies agree to raise Michigan’s ratings, the Republican governor could point to that as independent evidence that the state’s reputation and bottom line are being helped by unpopular sacrifices in the budget such as less money for public schools and universities and bigger tax payments from retirees and the working poor.”

Not a single one of the big credit agencies bit at Snyder’s bait, nor should they have. The trip was little more than a photo-op for Michigan’s Governor and his Treasury staff. Bond rating agency officials don’t care if Snyder and his yes men say that, “Michigan is on its way up again.” Bond agencies want Michigan to have a rainy day fund of $1.5-$2 billion dollars to score a AAA rating (last seen in 2003). According to the state’s web site, as of 2010, Michigan had $2.2 million dollars in its Rainy Day Fund. The Governor’s current budget aims to deposit over $225 million dollars in the fund, but the money isn’t there yet.

Now, in response to a stubbornly high unemployment rate, skyrocketing childhood poverty and newly released figures from the Annie E. Casey Foundation that show Michigan’s socio-economic woes are destroying the lives of millions of our state’s children, Michigan’s Governor decides to jet off on a trip to Asia, where he will be “continuing the messaging that Michigan is the value place to do business.” Isn’t that what we pay the head of the MEDC $250,000 per year, plus benefits, to do? Aren’t Snyder’s Ann Arbor SPARK crony Michael Finney and the MEDC, not to mention the Pure Michigan staffers expected to blow the $150 million budgeted to their agencies to “message that Michigan is the value place to do business?”

The absurd idea that Michigan’s Governor has to go to Asia to “continue messaging Michigan is the value place to do business” is another sign that Republican Rick Snyder has an ego the size of a sub-continent to go along with the political instincts of Marie Antoinette. It also demonstrates, once again, that Rich Snyder, as political analyst Rachel Maddow has taken to calling Michigan’s governor, is really that out of touch with the fact that millions of children and adults in Michigan are curled up in a ball, beaten down, and waiting for someone in Lansing to craft policy recognizing that poverty in Michigan is worsening. Snyder and the state’s Republicans cut unemployment benefits, and put a limit on public assistance benefits, moves that did little more than push large numbers of children and families in our state into poverty.

Marian Kramer of the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization (MWRO) sums up Michigan’s lack of political leadership on both sides of the aisle more bluntly:  Kramer says no one – on the local, state or national level, is dealing with the poverty crisis in this country.  “We want on the agenda the elimination of poverty, Kramer said. “They don’t care if we die. That’s what poverty means,” she said.

“They don’t care if we die. That’s what poverty means.” After his trip to Asia, Rick Snyder will, of course, continue to tell anyone who’ll listen that, yes, the sink is fixing itself. He’ll be able to say it in Japanese and Korean.

  1. lulugee says

    It is clear from the comments here that too many of us still believe that the two major parties stand for something. This can no longer be about which party loves the poor little children or who is best at luring jobs too dirty for Guiyu to our beautiful peninsula. The answers are (1) neither and (2) Michigan should not have to lure anyone because Michigan is more than good enough. Even after decades of misrule from Engler, through Granholm and now with Snyder.

    Granholm, let’s remember, sold out Benton Harbor years before Snyder came on the scene. Where was her concern for the kids of Benton Harbor while she was doing her pole dance for Whirlpool. She gained the gratitude of transnational corp and Whirlpool got a public beach–probably the last thing of value BH possessed. Yes, she is very personable. The Uptons certainly thought so.

    But this is not a Miss America contest. It is also not really about vacations. It is about getting it through our thick, silly heads that the pols have abandoned us as their constituency. If we don’t come a-calling with bags-o-cash, they aint listening. Do the Dems give damn about the middle class, the working class or the last-in-the-class? “Class, what class? There’s no class system in the U.S.of A.” is the credo chanted on both sides of the aisle. We’ve been disappeared along with honest discourse about the nature of inequality in this country.

    “Obama Bashing” is supposed to be a high powered rhetorical weapon, but the only people who still believe in the “change to believe in” or Hope–Obama style also think “I’d like to teach the world to sing” was an authentic folk song.

    But back to Snydly. What stands out for me in this story is that he is meeting with heads of Michigan-based corporations IN ASIA. That is to say companies that have already shuttered factories, gobbled up all their their tax abatements and other subsidies and moved on to Asian or South o’ the border pastures. Either this guy has no clue about the nature of these porkers or he is just out to spend a little time with his betters (he’s only the 583rd richest in the U.S. of A). In any case wooing giants of industry or finance is not in the interests of the people of Michigan. It’s like inviting a drunk uncle to mend the roof. It’ll cost more to clean up the mess after they leave. The price is too high and anyone who loves this state would refuse to pay.

    Snyder’s got enough money to buy a stateroom on the rapture ship. The rest of us do not. Everything he does, he does for his own class. He’s going to Asia as Michigan’s pimp in chief, not as a friend of the people. He’s trolling for the lowest bidder for Michigan’s infrastructure and resources. If things go his way, our state will be peopled by those left behind after after Scottsdale has sucked the lakes dry and the billionaires have repaired to their keeps.

  2. A2 Politico says

    @Joe, I’ve seen Rick Snyder address a receptive audience, and met him. Anyone with a 30 percent approval rating who tells the press that people will come around eventually to his way of thinking is not in touch with reality or even a good politician.

  3. Bob Krachuck says

    Hit the nail on the head about Snyder, he doesnt care about poverty.

  4. Kevin Nedloh says

    Much better having Gov. Snyder make the Asian trip than Granholm. When Granholm took her tour of Japan Honda announced a new plant in Indiana while she was there. Lets judge the results of Gov. Snyder’s trip based on the results NOT the rhetoric.

  5. Joe Hood says

    @A2 Jennifer Granholm seemed very personable and fairly down-
    to-earth on a plane ride (not as evasive as our senators).
    Not all people have that personality, people may feel the same
    feeling but may not be able to express themselves. I’ve never met
    the governor.

  6. A2 Politico says

    @Joe, it would be nice for the Gov. to spend some time touring soup kitchens and homeless shelters, getting to know the people who live in his state, and who need those jobs he and his fellow Republicans are so sure will be forthcoming.

  7. Sylvia Magallan says

    Since prisons are privatized, Corporate owned prison systems are looking to expand profits as the unemployment rates soar. And once you commit a crime they won’t let you vote. No food stamps, no unemployment insurance, no bank credit; minimum wages that won’t pay the rent or afford private charter schools. WTF is going on here? We can’t all be dumb teabaggers.

  8. Chel Tallyrand says

    This article is great. And, I think it is one of the few pieces thsat stands a chance of making a dent with marginal voters. I was familiar with Spark. What a joke. It was NEVER about jobs. It was a batch of venture capitalists seeking great opportunities for wealth but wanting the government to provide a subsidy. THANK YOU for this great link.

  9. Joe Hood says

    Why would anyone want to jet away from Michigan in August, the
    weather here is sublime this time of year (the president shouldl
    have continued on to Mackinac Island as part of his Midwest

    I’d much rather have the governor head off to California and
    encourage lots of companies in California to come here instead
    of inflating the Texas economy, as they have been.

    Oh, I need something to bicker over: President Obama has
    played golf eight times as much as President GW Bush (

  10. Susan Dailey says

    For anyone who would like to volunteer or find a signing site for the campaign to Recall Governor Snyder, you can visit You can also call 1-855-SO-FIRED to fiind a signing location near you. Thank you.

  11. Linda Looney says

    I’ve learned a lot about our dictatornor lately. He’s a liar, a crass and heartless person who cares nought for citizens, only a bottom line and his own image. As this particular article pointed out there are at least three (3) agencies being paid handsome sums to promote MI all over the world. Our problems are many and are difficult to solve. The fact that we taxpayers are paying the dictatornor to go on this junket is ridiculous. Totally unnecessary. Utilize the agencies we are already paying for.

  12. A2 Politico says

    @Scott I wrote the article, and I cut out a piece of it that I should have, perhaps, left in. What I was trying to show was the vitriol in the mainstream media (even the left-leaning media) about President Obama’s vacation, and the absolute silence in the Michigan media about Snyder’s announcement, 4 days after the Annie E. Casey data were released, that he is jetting off to Asia. The point is not President Obama’s vacation as much as it is Snyder’s absurd notion that taxpayers buying him a junket the Tokyo and Beijing will create jobs. Not to mention the sheer hubris of pretending the childhood poverty in our state has nothing to do with him.

  13. Dee Johnson says

    Let’s get Snyder out of office and fast! Keep going on the recall and don’t give up!!! He doesn’t care about any of us! He’s going to keep taking everything he can from us and why? Because he can and we need to stop him!

  14. Ken Carlson says

    It is people like Rick Snyder that are making things worse. The Republicans just want to make sure Obama gets only credit for the bad things, and the Ignorance of the media is making things worse also!!

  15. Scott Allan says

    Yeah, this article has a severe Republican slant. Snyder’s just a puppet for the GOP, every word he said is from their script. Just because Obama takes a vacation and had the midterm elections halt all (the amazing) progress he was making doesn’t mean we would be better off with a republican just because it’s “someone else”. Educate yourself on what happens when we have Repub presidents and what happens when we have Dem presidents. History doesn’t lie.

  16. Charles Shagena says

    Snyder reduces length of unemployment benefits, closes or reduces hours at Mich works. Puts limits on welfare aid. He will force the poor to flee Mich just to survive and we will reduce umemployment, reduce welfare and everything will be rosey in Mich again. He is just trying to force the poor right out of the state and make it for the prosperous and rich only.

  17. Mary Kallman says

    Why would gov. Snyder want children to live outside poverty? It doesn’t match up with his campaign promises to the Koch Brothers. If children are hungry, their parents are desperate to work at any old job, at any wage.

  18. Sue Richardson says

    Did you know Bush took 180 vacation days to Obama’s 61, let’s get real here

  19. Christopher Robinson says

    ‎”Curled up in a ball” that’s right….we need FDR!!!

  20. Mary Kallman says

    The Republicans promised us jobs when they took over the House. Where are the jobs, Mr Boehner?

  21. Dawn Trueblood says

    I guess no one considers the 5 weeks Congress has for vacation, nor have I heard anything regarding them leaving the FAA crisis a crisis. There are over 400,000 employees that are left hanging in the rafters with the FAA issue, while every congressional member is off golfing, yachting, and stuffing their faces with upscale dining on OUR tab! I’m thinking the man that runs this country DESERVES a vacation when he has to work with over 300 children on capital hill :/

  22. Bruce Eggleston says

    Soo that means he’s not walking the bridge on labor day, He probably couldn’t make it anyway………

  23. Brian Damson says

    Why is he still in office?

  24. Scott Allan says

    People seriously need to shut the hell up about his vacation. It’s not the 1020 days Bush took, and him sitting in Washington the whole time of the debt ceiling bullshit didn’t do a damn bit of good because DC is bought by lobbyists, so Congress is completely useless.

  25. Mary Sylvia Handy says

    I am so sick of Obama bashing…..

  26. Heather Hermes-Rottermond says

    I wonder how many of these people in poverty voted for him? Sadly, he is mode concerned with his Asia trip more than increased childhood poverty. I wonder how this will affect learning in the public schools, after more money was robbed from the k-12 fund and given to big business.

  27. Eileen Violet says

    Yeah I’m thinking Obama might not need that bus if he hadn’t thrown his base under it.

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