Michigan Dem Party Ignores Recall Efforts—MDP Facebook Page Bombarded By Furious Dems

On May 11th, Eclectablog posted an item that should let Michigan Democrats know exactly how far the Michigan Democratic Party is prepared to go to lend support to the efforts to repeal the Emergency Financial Manager legislation and the various recall efforts against Governor Rick Snyder and nine Republican state legislators. Chris Savage, the Ecletablogger writes:

Michigan Democratic Party chair, Mark Brewer (pictured left), met with at least some Benton Harbor City Commissioners this week. By now, you’ve probably hear that these Commissioners have been relieved of duty by Emergency Financial Manager (EFM) Joseph Harris.

At that meeting, I am told, Brewer stated that the MDP will not be supporting any of the recall efforts around the state to recall vulnerable Republicans and Governor Rick Snyder or the effort to citizens’ effort to repeal the new EFM law.

The Michigan Democratic Party and its Chair, Mark Brewer, aren’t prepared to do anything, except, of course, send out emails begging for money to support Democratic candidates in 2012. It is any wonder that there are numerous jokes circulating the punch lines of each have Brewer smugly taking credit for Snyder’s win?

Chris Savage then looked west, to Wisconsin, to see what the Democratic Party of Wisconsin was doing, if anything, to support the recall of the Governor of their state, as well as the Republican legislators that have been targeted for recall. Turns out, “The Difference Between Wisconsin and Michigan,” is like night and day, according to information, interviews and videos compiled by Chris Savage. In short, Mike Tate, the Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, unlike Mark Brewer, does not shill for the Republican Party.

Here’s what the Democratic Party of Wisconsin is doing:

Wisconsin Democratic Party backs recall of state's Governor Scott Walker

And on the home page of the Michigan Democratic Party’s web site?

The Michigan Democratic Party is ignoring the recall efforts

Well, it turns out that many Michigan Democrats had no idea that the state’s Democratic party leadership had decided to sit out this dance. After the posts on Eclectablog, the MDP’s Facebook page was inundated with angry comments from Dems who believe the Michigan Democratic Party should, well, get behind the recall effort as well as the effort to repeal the EFM law. Evidently, the MDP Facebook administrator deleted many of the comments. Here are some of the comments posted to the MDP’s Facebook page:

“Press Release: MDP takes on new name, DINO – Democrats In Name Only!”—Susan Masten

“You folks are an embarrassment to progressives. My financial support will go elsewhere. Recall Snyder.”—Roger Taylor

‘”The Michigan Democratic Party puts people first, and addresses the needs and concerns of ordinary people in our state. Democrats ask for your support so we can change our country and improve our quality of life.’ THIS is YOUR mission statement, yet you don’t do what it says. What a joke.”—Mrs. Jefferson Bennett

“To the MDP your inaction in supporting the people’s movement to recall Snyder and his cronies have caused me to withdraw my support of you and Obama in 2012, I’m voting 3rd party now. And if you think this movement is small and nothing to concern yourself with and you think your attitude toward it won’t hurt YOU, you have NOT been paying very good attention. Not smart angering the very people you need to back you.”—Shayanne Johnson

“About as bold and responsive as Maryland’s Democratic Party. Good on you both.”—Craig O’Donnell

“You folks need to get behind the recall efforts and the campaign to eliminate the EFM law. Don’t you think that Michigan has had enough national exposure due to these issues? We are becoming the bellwether for idiotic republican atrocities, and you folks aren’t even supporting those of us who want to change this.”—Nancy Nyman

“I suggest each and every one of us contact John Tramontana the MDP Communications Director (517) 371-5410 ext. 248, tell him where we stand, and demand that the State Party stand with us!!!”…We run the party. The party doesn’t run us. It’s called ‘DEMOCRACY’;! How many people have died to have their voices heard…not deleted, muted, or ignored?”—Gary Wagaman

“C’mon MDP! Get out in front on the recall. Speak, and financially support your grass roots. Snyder’s Hooverish approach will only lead an even worse economy for Michigan — he’s hurting business and people. Get out in front!”—Curtis Price

“I am very disappointed with this ‘supposed’ MDP…you are ignoring the efforts of a great number of your constituents who voted for you in our effort to recall Snyder. From looking at your page now…I see you played the delete everything that we don’t like game, so I assume mine will be deleted too. Before you do, realize one thing…you are NOT the democratic party as I remember it. You cater to the corporations as much as any repug, I will NOT vote for someone who ignores the will of the people.”—Laurie Zanardelli

“I am very disappointed at the Democratic Party’s lack of support for the Recall Rick Snyder Petition. You can do much better than this.”—M. Janice Gutfreund (wife of Washtenaw County Clerk, Lawrence Kestenbaum

“Can someone please explain to me why I was treated so rudely today on the phone when I inquired about the MDP’s lack of support for the recall efforts? And yes, I would like an explanation for the myopic OFFICIAL position being taken on this issue.”—Pamela Emery

“What’s up, MDP? Why are you not involved in Gov. Snyder’s recall effort? Give us an answer, so we can stop speculating. You don’t expect us to donate our $3.00 do you, if you are up to no good? Give us some respect and an honest answer!”—Marlene Ombrello

“Disappointed w/MDP Why are we just sitting on our thumbs while GOP runs amok???”—Barb McConnaughey

So, what do you think? Should the Michigan Democratic Party, like the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, finance and support of recall efforts afoot in our state?

[polldaddy poll=5051417]

  1. Lou Glorie says

    Just spoke with John Tramontana MDP Communications Director. He said the party had not come out against the recall/repeal, and is weighing the pros and cons of doing so. Seems to think some dems would be put off and consider it a distraction from getting Democrats elected! Just try to get a Democrat elected if they keep acting like floor piddling yes-sirs.

  2. Brandon says

    I don’t understand what a recall would accomplish, and I’m glad the Dems have the sense to steer clear of it.

    If you recall Synder, you’d get the lt. gov in charge, and how is he any better?

    But seriously, I have a hard time thinking you can get a recall petition circulated, approved, and on the ballot before the next election.

    This is just a sideshow.

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