In A2 Insight Interview, Council Candidate Jaime Magiera Tries to Bamboozle Ward 4 Voters

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by Patricia Lesko

According to the Washington Post, politicians lie to exploit political ignorance. Scientists and their research say that politicians lie the most. According to a Sept. 2016 piece in The Atlantic Monthly, politicians lie because journalists fail to declare “a boycott on bullshit.” The Federalist published an article in Jan. 2017 in which it was argued that all politicians need to be held accountable when they lie.

“We should stop with the euphemisms and start calling lies what they are,” writes Federalist author David Harsanyi.

If political veracity matters deeply on the national political stage, these national publications suggest political veracity should matter just as much in small-town America, where school board and city council candidates step up to run for local elected office.

Enter Ward 4 City Council candidate Jaime Magiera.

Two days after a campaign kick off party hosted by current and former local elected officials all of whom both The Ann Arbor News and the Ann Arbor Observer have dubbed “allies” of Mayor Chris Taylor, Ward 4 candidate Jaime Magiera posted a video of an interview with A2 Insight’s James Trost. In that interview (posted to his campaign website), Magiera says, “I think that City Council has been painted as black and white—these two factions going against each other. My opponent always portrays himself as the counter to this other faction. I would rather not view this as factions at all. I don’t fall into any of these camps that have been defined in the political scene.”


On June 14, six of City Council’s 11 members were named hosts of the campaign kickoff event for Magiera, who is challenging two-term incumbent Jack Eaton (D). Those Council members were Jason Frenzel (D-Ward 1), Kirk Westphal (D-Ward 2), Julie Grand (D-Ward 3), Graydon Krapohl (D-Ward 4), Chuck Warpehoski (D-Ward 5) and Chip Smith (D-Ward 5). Magiera’s kick off party host committee also included Margie Teall, a former Ward 4 Council member whom Eaton ran against in 2012. Teall won that election by 18 votes. Ann Arbor Planning Commission member Scott Trudeau, Gene Alloway, owner of Motte & Bailey booksellers and former Downtown Development Authority Board member Joan Lowenstein rounded out Magiera’s host committee.

Taylor and Ward 3 Council member Zachary Ackerman (D) were not listed among the hosts for Magiera’s City Council campaign kick off party.

Below is Magiera in his June 2017 A2 Insight interview claiming not to belong to any political camp:


Magiera’s 2017 claim that, “I don’t fall into any of these camps that have been defined in the political scene” called into question coverage of his 2015 campaign for Council that reported Magiera was, indeed, affiliated, accepted campaign donations and touted endorsements from sitting Council members who are allied with Chris Taylor. On July 17, 2015, The Ann Arbor News published, “Jaime Magiera endorsed by mayor and allies in 4th Ward council race.” In that piece, Ryan Stanton writes, “Jaime Magiera now has Mayor Christopher Taylor and his political allies officially supporting his campaign for Ann Arbor City Council.” Kirk Westphal, Julie Grand, Graydon Krapohl and Chuck Warpehoski, along with Chris Taylor, officially endorsed Magiera in 2015.

In none of the comments he posted in response to the July 17, 2015 article, did Magiera raise questions about the reporter’s assertions that the Ward 4 candidate was allied with Taylor and his Council supporters.

In an August 2015 piece published in the Ann Arbor Observer titled, “Who’ll Control Council,” James Leonard wrote, “Like fellow challengers Ackerman and Smith, [Magiera] says he ‘would’ve voted for [413 E. Huron] because it fit into everything that we had laid out for development. Voting against it is very dangerous, to risk taxpayer money.’ That echoes the view of Taylor, Hieftje, and councilmembers Julie Grand, Graydon Krapohl, Chuck Warpehoski, and Kirk Westphal–all of whom have endorsed Magiera.”

His recent claim not to fall into any political “camp” is not the first time Magiera has attempted to shape his campaign narrative by exploiting the ignorance of voters. On his campaign website, Magiera lists himself as a member of the People’s Food Co-op Board. In 2016, Magiera ran for the PFC Board but did not get enough votes to qualify for a spot. It was only after Jenny Blair stepped down for personal reasons, “the next top vote getter [runner-up] Jaime Magiera received the position,” according to minutes from the April 2016 PFC Annual Meeting. The PFC’s 60-person workforce, unhappy with the Board’s leadership, as well as with the PFC’s management, formed a union in 2017.

Magiera did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Campaign finance forms show that the majority of Magiera’s money raised for his 2015 race came from donors outside of Ward 4 and outside the City of Ann Arbor.

View the entire A2Insight interview with Magiera here.

  1. […] In A2 Insight Interview, Council Candidate Jaime Magiera Tries to Bamboozle Ward 4 Voters 9 comments […]

  2. James Trost says

    I Just wanted to briefly respond concerning Jaime Magiera’s interview on my CTN show, “A2 Insight.” I am in no way connected to the campaign or in any way an advocate or detractor. I would enjoy interviewing all other candidates running for city council if this would fit into their schedules (and mine) to discuss the issues. I did send an email request to Councilman Eaton inviting him to appear on A2 Insight, and would enjoy having him as a guest, but have not, as of today, received a response either way. Jaime promptly responded to my request for an interview, when I initially invited him back in April.

    1. The Ann Arbor Independent Editorial Team says

      @James Trost thanks for your reply. CM Eaton in response to whether he had contacted you about an interview shared two emails he sent to you requesting an interview. One email is dated shortly after your interview with Jaime and then a second email a couple of weeks later. He received no replies from you.

      1. James Trost says

        Thank you for your prompt reply. Either my email wasn’t functioning or it went to a different address. Please convey my apologies to the CM if he felt I wasn’t replying. Thankfully, we still have time, prior to August 8th, to arrange a time that I hope will work with Mr. Eaton to appear on “A2 Insight” for equal time. I will send another email with possible studio times at CTN that hopefully will work for Mr. Eaton–as well as my phone number to follow-up in case the previous situation arises again.

  3. […] In A2 Insight Interview, Council Candidate Jaime Magiera Tries to Bamboozle Ward 4 Voters 22 comments […]

  4. A2Dem says

    From a letter to his neighbors posted to Jaime’s campaign website (

    “In recent years, it’s become fashionable to describe city politics in terms of factions. That’s a distraction and a false choice being pushed on residents. There are more than two ways to look at every issue. I’m cut from a different cloth and don’t align neatly with any existing group on council. That’s an asset: it means less time playing to internal group politics and more time providing effective representation to constituents. It means a greater variety of options at the council table. It means more time to build consensus.”

    He obviously believes his own lies or else he thinks voters will. Sad.

    1. ICPJ donor no more says

      Let me get this straight, Jaime is still trying to fool voters into believing he’s not backed by the council majority? Why isn’t MLive all over this or is it just fine for people running for council to say whatever they want to voters even when it’s plainly not the truth? This isn’t sad, it’s disgusting.

  5. […] In A2 Insight Interview, Council Candidate Jaime Magiera Tries to Bamboozle Ward 4 Voters 19 comments […]

  6. Kai Petainen says

    Does James Trost of A2 Insight plan to make videos of each candidate? Or is this a promo video that was made just for one person?

    1. The Ann Arbor Independent Editorial Team says

      @Kai, great question! We’re tracking down Trost to ask him just that. Because if it’s a promo that should be made clear to viewers.

      1. Mike B. says

        Of course this is a promo. Look on Jaime’s website. Jen Eyer is endorsing him. She’s probably still drunk with power and practicing for her next big closeup after her stint on the county board.

        1. Jeff Hayner says

          She’s waiting for Krapohl to step down so she can play the appointed “incumbent” like Frenzel.

  7. Rajan Ravi says

    I saw this article shared on a friend’s Facebook page. I never knew the Ann Arbor Independent existed. Thank you for providing an alternative news source for residents interested in local issues. The comment section is refreshing and I appreciate the civility and thought that go into the comments and observations made by the readers here.

  8. justsayin says

    Jaime got around 40 percent of the vote last time. There’s no reason to think he can’t win this time around. What has Eaton accomplished on council?!? I don’t see much of anything that stands out. Let’s give someone else a shot.

  9. Julia Holcomb says

    Listen to Magiera’s radio show. Then vote for the other guy.

  10. Linda says

    What’s wrong with saying who supports you in an election? The Mayor and his political allies are backing one candidate against the incumbent for reasons we can only guess. Maybe Jack Eaton forgot to send them birthday cards or gave them ugly sweaters for Christmas. Who knows? If I know who is backing a candidate, I have a better idea of the kinds of ideas and issues that candidate stands for. I now know this candidate is being backed by certain people and can use that along with other information to decide whether to vote for him. He should be telling everyone he has the support of these council people.

  11. Susan Q. says

    From Jaime’s Facebook page: “I’ve been elected to the People’s Food Co-Op Board of Directors for a two year term.” Was he elected or was he appointed? Sounds like semantics. He’s on the Co-op board.

    1. Robert Kruger says

      I followed the link to the meeting minutes. He did not capture enough votes for a two or three year term. One of the people who did had to bow out so he was appointed in her place as the next highest vote getter. Had this not happened he would not be on the board because the members did not cast their votes for him. In other words, a candidate the members didn’t elect ended up on the board. I think that if you’re appointed because someone who was elected dropped out, don’t make a big deal about being “elected.” His representation of how he ended up on the board goes toward his basic sense of honesty. He’s on the board, but there are other ways to talk about it other than to lead people to believe it was the result of winning the vote.

  12. Nancy West-Diangelo says

    The video interview was interesting. The interviewer talks about potholes and the candidate talks about spending more money to fix the roads. More money? We already pay a road millage. Is this man saying that we need another millage? My property taxes are pulling me under and Ann Arbor is becoming impossibly gentrified. Glad to see a contested election, but we need council members who can get the job done with the money we give them.

  13. Robert Kruger says

    Councilmen Ackerman, Smith and Warpehoski all played the ‘I’ll never be a rubber stamp’ game. Well guess what? They lied. Ann Arbors voters fall for this time after time and then wonder why these guys never listen. Jaime is just following a time honored tradition of politicians in Ann Arbor. Why hold it against him? He won’t be a rubberstamp. He promises.

  14. Phil B. says

    Jaime was on the PFC board when the union buster lawyer was hired. He voted for the hire. He should stop claiming to be progressive because busting unions is not what progressives do.

  15. Jeff Hayner says

    What a hoot, Jaime Magiera is afraid to come out of the closet and admit his affections for Mayor Taylor, the Gang of Eight and the progressive fantasyland they need ALL our money to construct. I suspect it’s because he realizes deep down that their maximum growth policies have done little to address the real problems our city faces; quite the opposite. Magiera doesn’t seem to have a solution to the growing affordable housing crisis, the increasing wealth segregation, the skyrocketing costs of maintaining our overburdened infrastructure or our soon to be poisoned water. This is why he tries to distance himself from their support – to maintain the fiction he has told himself that he can make a difference. Also to hedge his bets with the many residents who are waking up to the realization that Taylor and his allies are blowing it. Does anybody think he will start his term by telling the rest of council to cool it with the million-dollar condos? Or seek concessions from his employer the U of M? Of course not.

    1. peregrine says

      LOL. Jeff Hayner, I couldn’t have said it better myself. “What a hoot, Jaime Magiera is afraid to come out of the closet and admit his affections for Mayor Taylor, the Gang of Eight and the progressive fantasyland they need ALL our money to construct.”

    2. goblue says

      Magiera says b/c UM’s president nixed the idea of any payments in lieu of taxes the discussion is over. If Schlissel says Magiera has to attend council meetings in a loin cloth will he do that too?

  16. A2Mom says

    Can someone please explain why all these councilmembers would endorse a candidate who would say he is not allied with them? What am I missing here?

    1. Tim O'Connor says

      Magera probably thought nobody would look at the invite then watch his video.

  17. Dave D. says

    “My opponent always portrays himself as the counter to this other faction.” Yes and thank you Mr. Eaton. My prediction has not changed, Jack Eaton will win the August primary election. This man is the best the mayor and his cronies can come up with? It’s like a bunch of people talking up the Edsel. This reflects badly on Magiera and the people on city council who are pushing his candidacy. It tells me that they don’t want Jaime Magiera in office as much as they are desperate to get rid of Jack Eaton.

  18. Burns Park says

    A ‘boycott on bullshit’ is somewhat crude but to the point. I don’t live in Ward 4 but if I did Mr. Magiera would have lost my vote. It’s what Zachary Ackerman said when running for council and what I suspect the empty promise many of our locals use to sway voters. They are going to work with everyone on council and bring independent voices to the conversation. This is a particularly egregious example of trying to lie to the public. Thank you for pointing it out, because it makes a difference in local races to know the truth about what candidates say and what they do.

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